Learn About Anxiety
Explore What a Person with Anxiety May Feel Every Day
Anxiety has allowed humans to survive by giving them the energy to fight a danger or run away from it, though sometimes anxiety can get out of hand. The adrenaline that gives us energy to solve problems can also cause very unpleasant symptoms such as:
- A racing heart
- Shortness of breath
- Digestive problems
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Inability to focus
A panic attack may occur when these symptoms happen all at once. Anxiety can make people feel so uncomfortable about certain situations that they avoid them entirely or handle them poorly. Taking tests, having an interview, or speaking in public may create such worry that people may be too anxious to leave home to do so. Many people with anxiety lie awake night after night unable to sleep, as their worries whirl through their heads.
Management for Anxiety
There is hope for those with anxiety, as it can be managed in several ways.
- One of these is using medication which can block adrenaline or relax the mind and body. It often takes time and patience to find the right one for each individual because medications can affect people differently. At DiscoveryMD, our psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners will help patients try out medications until the best drug or combination of drugs is found. There is one type of anti-anxiety medication we discourage: the benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines (such as clonazepam and lorazepam, for example) tend to cause significant problems when used for long periods of time. Our goal is to help people already on them to stop carefully and safely.
- Psychotherapy is also helpful in managing anxiety. In psychotherapy, techniques are learned to help people manage their fears. These techniques can help people look at challenges in a less threatening way or face them in gradual steps to decrease your fears. Our psychotherapists at DiscoveryMD will listen to your experiences and guide you with the right steps to help.
- There are also things people can do to manage anxiety on their own. One approach is to distract oneself by doing something enjoyable and/or something where one must really focus their attention. This will be different for everyone. Some may enjoy reading, watching a movie, playing with children or pets, doing puzzles or getting exercise. Together with appropriate medication and counseling, most anxiety can be controlled so that anxiety does not control the person.
Get Help for Anxiety
Medication management, psychotherapy and intensive outpatient therapies are offered at many of our locations. Please call or complete our form to get started today.